Main Content:

Relevant Clinical Research

The research being conducted in the Department of Physical Therapy is recognized nationally and internationally. The research attracts funding from prestigious agencies including the National Institutes of Health and Foundation for Physical Therapy. The faculty have state-of-the-art laboratories and collaborate with many other leading researchers across the University of Pittsburgh, to investigate problems across the spectrum of physical therapy, including studies that examine novel interventions to combat low back pain and knee arthritis, ways to improve walking and balance in older adults and people with dizziness, factors that promote mobility in people with Parkinson's disease, cancer, and obesity, mechanisms of how the brain processes sensory information, and policy issues.

Areas of Interest:

  • Aging/balance
  • Cancer
  • Health Policy, Compliance, and Leadership 
  • Musculoskeletal
    • Knee
    • Low back pain
  • Neuro
    • Parkinson and exercise
    • Somatosensory Integration
    • Vestibular
  • Obesity

Research Facilities:

  • Physical Therapy - Clinical and Translational Research Center
  • Applied Biomechanics 
  • Somatosensory Integration
  • Virtual Reality Lab
  • Older Americans' Independence Center (Pepper Center)