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Throughout our 50-year history, SHRS has achieved one success after another, pushing higher education in new directions. In the past, we have advanced our programs and developed best practices to treat individuals with disabilities. Today we continue to accept new challenges such as embracing distance learning, building a more diverse student body and developing new models of interprofessional education.

With 14 different disciplines, SHRS shapes future generations of health care professionals, preparing them to practice at the top of their licenses as agents of change, leaders and advocates for improved patient care by going above and beyond expectations.

SHRS graduates become providers, practitioners and scientists who are trained to serve the needs of not just a few, not just the privileged but all people everywhere. We do so with courage and confidence in a supportive and collaborative environment that often leads the way for others to follow.

Through our actions, we know that bold innovates. Bold collaborates. Bold motivates and bold connects. It also stimulates, influences, advances and transforms.

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Bold moves the needle of research. Bold moves us towards new and meaningful initiatives. And bold moves to strengthen our communities.

Bold Moves have propelled SHRS forward in the past.

Bold Moves will shape our future.

Read more about our milestones and the people that contributed to them in our Bold Moves Brag Book!