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Mary Murray is an associate professor and the director of the Master of Science in Sports Medicine Program. She has been involved in the profession of athletic training as a clinician and educator for nearly 30 years. Murray provided healthcare to student-athletes in NCAA Division 1, Division 3, community college, and military institute settings. Murray has experience as a program director, clinical coordinator, faculty member, and clinical supervisor in professional and post-professional athletic training education programs. Currently, she teaches Pathokinesiology of Orthopedic Injury and Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Injury Prevention in the Sports Medicine program. In addition, she serves as a mentor and/or thesis committee chair for graduate student research projects. Murray’s research interests are in program development and assessment, injury assessment, and therapeutic interventions. She serves as chair of the PATS Education Committee, is a member of the EATA Educational Summit Committee, the SHRS Academic Integrity Hearing Board, Wellness Pavilion Committee, and the Clinical and Community-Based Education Committee. 


Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition


Athletic Training
Sports Medicine

Education & Training

  • BS, University of Pittsburgh
  • MA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • EdD, Seton Hall University


  • Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education, 2007
  • Alpha Eta, National Honor Society for the Allied Health Professions, 2005