Main Content:
Walter Abrams
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Michele Agostinelli
Clinical Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Aubrey Aguero
PhD Student
Department of Physical Therapy
Bryan Albright
Executive Assistant to the Chair
(412) 383-9865
Department of Physical Therapy
Alia A. Alghwiri
Adjunct Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Fabrisia Ambrosio
(412) 624-5276
Department of Physical Therapy
Jon Andino
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Erin Angelini
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Rebecca Arrington
Clinical Education Program Manager
(412) 383-0708
Department of Physical Therapy
Tamara Artman
Research Coordinator
Department of Physical Therapy
Anna Ashbaugh
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Molly Bachmann
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Eric Banik
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Alison Bank
Research Coordinator
Department of Physical Therapy
Reivian Berrios Barillas
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Emily Barno
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Chelsea Behling
(412 624-8811
Department of Physical Therapy
Haleigh Biondo
Senior Finance Administrator
Department of Physical Therapy
Christopher Bise
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Jeremiah Blankenship
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Scott Boden
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Marielle Bonaroti
Department of Physical Therapy
Darcy Bonaventura
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Darcy Bonaventura
Department of Physical Therapy
Kelly Bossola
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Kelly Bossola
Clinical Faculty and Adjunct Instructor
Department of Physical Therapy
Allyn Bove
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Jennifer Brach
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development, SHRS, and Professor, Dept. of Physical Therapy
Department of Physical Therapy
Kathi Brandfass
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Kathleen Brandfass
Adjunct Instructor
Department of Physical Therapy
Melissa Brandfass
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Lisa Braughler
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Gerard Brennan
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Kathryn E. Brown
Clinical Research PT
Department of Physical Therapy
Kaylin Bullard
Department of Physical Therapy
Tara Byrne
Administrative Assistant to Research Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Andrea Caler
Department of Physical Therapy
Jordan Cargile
Department of Physical Therapy
Brian Caricato
Clinical Faculty and Adjunct Instructor
Department of Physical Therapy
Brian Caricato
Department of Physical Therapy
Cristiane Carlesso
PhD Student
Department of Physical Therapy
Elle Carlson
Department of Physical Therapy
Amy Cassidy
Department of Physical Therapy
Rakie Cham
Department of Physical Therapy
Dianne Charity
Department of Physical Therapy
Aileen Chou
PhD Student
Department of Physical Therapy
Maddie Chrisman
Department of Physical Therapy
Wei-Neng Chuang
Assistant Professor
Department of Community Health Services and Rehabilitation Science
Department of Physical Therapy
Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Meagan Clark
Department of Physical Therapy
Erica Coffey
Department of Physical Therapy