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Three women wearing red chef hats and black chef aprons standing together over a large frying pan that is sitting on a table.
University of Pittsburgh Chancellor Joan Gabel with ROC Spirit Award winner Pamela Toto
Group of Pitt alumni, faculty and staff standing inside the NMRL mobile research laboratory
Woman with brown hair wearing blue scrubs, white sneakers and a white lab coat.
A woman with long brown hair and glasses adjusts headphones on a woman sitting in a chair
Jordan Hilsman at his Pitt graduation
A woman with long blond hair and glasses smiles at a man sitting in a chair
Pitt Athletic Training alumna Autumn Pisano standing on the sidelines of a football game
Ed Strapp standing in front of a sculpture of the Olympic rings with a big smile and snowflakes on his hat and jacket
Ashley Koto standing in front of a backdrop with the words College Corner while holding a small sign saying Pittsburgh Panther in Paris