The Movement Assessment of Children (MAC) is an evaluation of functional gross and fine motor control expected in children 2 to 24 months of age. The MAC identifies change in gross and fine motor development in small increments which allow for the precise identification of a child’s motor skills. This precision is useful for identifying delays in a child’s motor development and for measuring changes in the motor control of children with disabilities who are receiving intervention services. A unique feature of the MAC is that most of a child’s abilities can be assessed with observation of movement while interacting with the parent versus the examiner needing to hold the child. The MAC can be completed in 30 minutes or less.
This page contains all of the materials you need to learn and administer the MAC, including the tool, manual, references and publications. If you are interested in learning more about the MAC and using the MAC in your clinical practice and/or scientific projects, please click on the links below to download the materials:
You are welcome to use and copy the MAC for clinical and/or research purposes, but we ask that when you use it, please also copy the copyright notations. If you wish to post the MAC on a clinic or academic intranet, contact us for permission to do so. If you have questions please contact us at
We hope you find the MAC to be a useful tool for your clinical practice and/or scientific projects.
Best regards,
Lynette S. Chandler, PhD, PT
Mary Skillen Andrews, BA, PT, OT
Marcia F. Williams, PhD, MPH, PT