Michael Boninger is a tenured professor and UPMC endowed vice chair for research in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He is senior medical director for Post-Acute Care for the Health Service Division of UPMC and vice president for Medical Affairs for Community Provider Services. Boninger holds secondary appointments in the Departments of Bioengineering, Rehabilitation Sciences and Technology (SHRS), Clinical Translational Science Institute, and McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine. He is also a physician researcher for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and is Senior Associate Medical Director of the Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL).
Boninger holds four United States patents and has received numerous honors, including being inducted into the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science. He has mentored over 100 students, ranging from undergraduates to medical students, and doctoral and postdoctoral trainees since joining the department in 1994. His students have won over 50 national awards.
Representative Publications
Dr. Boninger's publications are available here.