Learn more about getting involved in the following student organizations through the main University Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) or by contacting the student group's related Department or program.
Athletic Training Student Association (ATSA)
The Athletic Training Student Association (ATSA) has as its mission to enhance the education and fellowship of its members, to share ideas and discuss sports medicine-related topics of interest, to provide community service through projects in and around the city of Pittsburgh, and to increase public awareness of the ATSA and the profession of athletic training. Any University of Pittsburgh student who has an interest in the Athletic Training Education Program and/or the profession of Athletic Training is welcome and encouraged to become a member. Follow the association on Instagram @atsaatpitt.
Audiology and Hearing Club
The Audiology and Hearing Club at Pitt (Aud Club) has a mission to promote hearing awareness, dangers of noise exposure, and information about balance disorders. This includes volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and events focused on activities related to hearing loss and the profession of Audiology. Members of this group often travel to attend the annual American Academy of Audiology national convention. This group is open to all undergraduate students at the University of Pittsburgh interested in hearing, hearing loss and balance disorders. CSD Students, SHRS Students, Pitt Students with hearing loss and all others are encouraged to join.
Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD)
The Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD) is a non-profit, grassroots organization that operates as groups from across the United States working toward a common goal of promoting diversity and inclusion within the occupational therapy workforce and increasing the ability of occupational therapy practitioners to serve an increasingly diverse population. Learn more about our student chapter here.
Counseling Student Association at the University of Pittsburgh (CSAP)
The Counseling Student Association at the University of Pittsburgh (CSAP) is an organized advocacy group for the students of the Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling (CRMHC) graduate program. The association supports University of Pittsburgh students interested in the field of rehabilitation and mental health counseling, and promotes the profession in academic, clinical and community service and research settings. This group aims to encourage cohesion between incoming students, current students and alumni of SHRS' Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling program creating an optimal venue to exchange knowledge and wisdom related to RST while fostering academic and social interaction among its members. The group meets biweekly on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. (subject to change). Interested students should email csa.pitt@gmail.com. Membership is open to graduate students of the CRMHC cohorts.
Emergency Medical Services Association (EMSA)
The Emergency Medical Services Association (EMSA) is the student organization associated with the Emergency Medicine program. You must be a student in the program to be a member, but guests are welcome at any meeting or event! Meet with EMSA to discover what it means to be an EM major! For questions, email pittEMSA1@gmail.com.
Graduate Student Health Informatics Council (GSHIC)
The Graduate Student Health Informatics Council (GSHIC) is an organization whose members include those studying in the on-campus or online version of the Master of Science Health Informatics program. Interested students can connect with GSHIC on Facebook!
Health Information Management Student Association (HIMSA)
The University of Pittsburgh's Health Information Management Student Association (HIMSA) is an organization designed to enhance the education and fellowship of current and incoming students in the ever growing field of Health Information Management. HIMSA partakes in community service projects and volunteer opportunities throughout the City of Pittsburgh, and conducts fund raising events to support students in attending local and national health information management conferences.
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
NSSLHA is the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the study of human communication and related disabilities. NSSLHA Pitt’s mission is not only to be a source of information and opportunity for experience in the field, but also to create a community among students. Through volunteering, fundraising, and information sharing, NSSLHA strives to be a resource for students interested in the professions of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and the speech and hearing sciences. Students at all levels of study are welcome from freshmen to doctoral students. Email nsslhapitt@gmail.com for more information.
PA Students Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
The Physician Assistant Students Promoting Diversity an Inclusion (PASPDI) seeks to advance understanding of experiences and needs of various underserved, underrepresented and/or stigmatized populations in health care settings and beyond in order for current physician assistant students to participate in the ongoing work of growing cultural literacy in order to provide optimal care to patients of myriad backgrounds, identities and experiences.
Physical Therapy Graduate Student Association (PTGSA)
The Physical Therapy Graduate Student Association (PTGSA) advocates for the interests of the physical therapy profession and promotes meaningful engagement of DPT students in the Pittsburgh community. The Pitt DPT Student Service Board acts under the PTGSA banner. The DPT Student Service Board strives to expand our community service outreach, beyond serving currently established agencies’ needs.
Visit pittphysicaltherapy.com to learn more about Pitt PT student life.
Physician Assistant Student Society (PASS)
The purpose of PASS is to serve as the certified organization for the students of the University of Pittsburgh Physician Assistant Studies Program, to promote academic achievement and clinical excellence among the program, to guide the incoming class in becoming successful students, community members and clinicians, to aid the faculty with continuing development of the program through feedback and open communication, to serve the Pittsburgh community through volunteer activities and involvement, and to promote the physician assistant as a member of the health care delivery team at the local, national and international levels.
Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE)
Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE) is the national honor society of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF). PTE was developed as a specialized honor society for occupational therapy students and alumni. This society recognizes and encourages superior scholarship among students enrolled in professional entry-level programs at accredited schools across the United States.
Pre-Physician Assistant Association (PPAA)
The Pre-Physician Assistant Association at Pitt is an organization that brings together students who are currently on or considering pursuing the Physician Assistant track. We help guide undergraduate students along the pre-PA journey by providing information and resources regarding the PA profession, including shadowing, undergraduate prerequisites for programs, patient care positions, the application process, interviews, etc. We commit ourselves to volunteering events and frequently offer Q&A sessions with practicing PAs, faculty, and students currently in Pitt's PA program. Our mission is to dedicate ourselves to serving others in alignment with the values of health care and the PA profession. PPAA at Pitt seeks to offer resources and support in order to assist members along the PA journey. You can find more information on Instagram.
Prosthetics and Orthotics/Rehabilitation Technology Student Organization (PORTSO)
The goal of The Prosthetics and Orthotics/Rehabilitation Technology Student Organization is to maintain a network of former, current, and future MSPO (Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics) and MRT (Master of Rehabilitation Technology) students as well as interdisciplinary students interested in the progress of the field. In addition, we aim to improve disability studies, assistive technology and health and rehabilitation outcomes through research, education, advocacy, and service through the integration of consumer experiences, engineering, technology, medicine, and clinical practice and services.The vision for the Prosthetics and Orthotics/Rehabilitation Technology Student Organization in the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology is to drive transformational change in the field of assistive technology and prosthetics and orthotics by developing a diverse, competent, creative, and compassionate workforce through equitable and inclusive education, research, and clinical internships. Learn More
Rehabilitation Science Student Association (RSSA)
The purpose of the Rehabilitation Science Student Association is threefold. First, to serve as a resource to all undergraduate students at the University of Pittsburgh who are interested in learning about health and rehabilitation professions such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and physician assistant studies. Second, to introduce students to the opportunities and benefits associated with the rehabilitation science undergraduate program. Lastly, to provide its members with a variety of health and rehabilitation related volunteer opportunities that have a positive impact on the community.
Rehabilitation Science & Technology Graduate Student Organization (RSTGO)
The purpose of the Rehabilitation Science & Technology Graduate Student Organization (RSTGSO) is to assist, support and organize University of Pittsburgh graduate students interested in the field of rehabilitation science and technology and to promote the field in academic, clinical and community service and research settings. Please contact rstgso@gmail.com with comments or questions. All students in the program or those interested in the field of rehabilitation technology are welcome to join this group. The organization meets the first Thursday of every month at 4 p.m.
SHRS Dean’s Student Advisory Board (SAB)
The purpose of the SAB is to serve as the all-encompassing organization representing the needs, concerns and activities of the graduate students in the SHRS body. The organization facilitates the building and sharing of knowledge related to the rehabilitation and health sciences professions, and encourage and promote academic, professional and social interdisciplinary relationships between all SHRS graduate students and the SHRS departmental graduate student organizations. RST Instructor Dan Fisher serves as advisor.
Student Academy of Audiology (SAA)
The Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) is the professional student organization dedicated to the advancement of educational and clinical training in the profession of Audiology with emphasis in enhanced patient care. SAA is affiliated with the American Academy of Audiology. The Pitt Chapter of SAA promotes public awareness of Audiology and student involvement in social, community and educational programs. Information about SAA meetings along with announcements of coming events will be distributed by the department.
Student Advisory Board
The Student Advisory Board is the central organization representing SHRS graduate students. It addresses their needs, concerns, and oversees the activities related to the rehabilitation and health sciences. The board aims to bridge knowledge gaps, foster academic growth, and fortify professional and social bonds within the SHRS graduate community.
Student Dietetics Association (SDA)
The SDA's objective is to increase awareness of nutrition related issues, health care, and the importance of the dietetic profession, as well as provide members with volunteer and shadowing opportunities to prepare for their post graduate endeavors. Anyone interested in nutrition and other related health care fields are encouraged to become part of the organization! If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please feel free to contact the SDA at pittsda@gmail.com.
TransformOTive Justice (TJ)
TransformOTive Justice (TJ) is a student-led organization in the Department of Occupational Therapy. It was designed to critically analyze the manifestations of systemic racism in our personal and professional lives. The group aims to challenge the nation’s historical non-racist passivity with anti-racist activism. Learn more.
University of Pittsburgh Student Occupational Therapy Association (UPSOTA)
UPSOTA is an official campus organization comprised of students who are interested in, or are pursuing a degree in, occupational therapy. Membership is open to students enrolled in the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) program or to undergraduate students at the University of Pittsburgh who are working toward a graduate degree in occupational therapy. Members function to promote occupational therapy as a profession in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. UPSOTA members participate in and promote activities such as attendance at state and national occupational therapy conferences, social events that enhance the students' educational experiences, and community service events.